Ringworm Picture from UI Dermatology : Tinea corporis

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Tinea 3 *

ringworm rash


Tinea Corporis - Ringworm - Right Posterior Thigh

Picture & text from Tom Ray, University of Iowa Department of Dermatology. For more information see Medical Pictures from uIowa.edu: UI Dermatology / Tom Ray.

Picture used by permission from Tom Ray.


Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, University of Iowa
Please send comments to hardin-webmaster@uiowa.edu
The URL for this page is http://hardinmd.lib.uiowa.edu/ui/tray/TinCorp3.html
Last updated Thursday, Dec 02, 2010 [pictures of ringworm, ringworm pictures, ring worm pictures, ringworm rash pictures]


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